50 years of biomass and pulpwood shippment across all continents.OUR HISTORY
50 years of biomass and pulpwood shippment across all continents.OUR HISTORY
50 years of biomass and pulpwood shippment across all continents.OUR HISTORY
50 years of biomass and pulpwood shippment across all continents.OUR HISTORY
Over 40 years with shipments of raw material of wood across all continents.
Ocean transport within the Transatlantic and European trade.OUR SERVICESTRANSATLANTIC TRADEScanfiber secure the supply of woodfiber in the Transatlantic, mainly from North-and South America as well as Africa to the European industry. Depending on the various restrictions in the ports of loading and discharging and the parties capacity and need for volume per voyage, Scanfiber is using either a handymax, supramax, ultramax, panamax or woodchips carrier.Scanfiber have long relationship with shipowners of smaller bulk vessels, both geared and conventional. Vessels are used in the Baltic, North and Norwegian sea, as well as the Mediterranean sea with steaming of 2- 6 days per voyage.EUROPEAN TRADE
Providing our clients withOUR ROUTEScost-efficient solutions fortheir raw material supply.
(+47) 23 20 59 00 fiber@scanfiber.noP.O.Box 5393 Majorstua N-0304 Oslo Norway© SCANFIBER AS 2018 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
(+47) 23 20 59 00 fiber@scanfiber.noOle Vigs gate 23 N-0366 Oslo Norway© SCANFIBER AS 2018 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
(+852) 231 76 003 paul.choi@accelproducts.comSuite 905, Tower 3 China Hong Kong City 33 Canton Road, T.S.T. Kowloon, Hong Kong© SCANFIBER AS 2018 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.